On September 17, 2023, Zhuang Hui’s solo project “The Journey of an Autodidact” opened atDRC.12’s new space in Building 11.
There is a black and white photograph at the entrance, which bears Zhuang Hui’s caption: “1963, the Year of the Rabbit in the lunar calendar. This is a family photograph labeled ‘Memories of Spring Festival ’63.’ Over two months after this photo was taken, on April 9th, I was born in Yumen, a desolate town in northwest China. I became a member of a loving family. In that year, our country had just endured three consecutive years of disasters. Fate would also lead me to experience a period of poverty, confusion, and unease.”
Now, sixty years later, we are one full sexagenary cycle removed from that photograph. We have collectively experienced three years of the pandemic, and our current reality is still causing exhaustion, confusion, and fear.
Zhuang Hui, a passionate collector, will present his experiences, art prints, sketches, and original photographs from his early years of teaching himself painting. The text for a painting entitled The Birth of the First Tractor reads: “In the 1950s, after Yue Xiyan retired from the army in Tibet, he was assigned to work at the Luoyang Tractor Factory, but he never gave up his paintbrush in his spare time. In 1961, he used a coarse bedsheet as canvas and created this oil painting titled The Birth of the First Tractor in his bachelor’s dormitory. When I was learning to paint, I also imitated Yue’s method by utilizing the coarse cloth used to wipe the machines in the factory. I used it to make the canvas, practiced sketching, and created during my free time.” This may perfectly encapsulate what drew this beginner to art.
The exhibition primarily follows Chinese contemporary art in the 1990s, a period from which Zhuang presents large numbers of photographs, documents, and recordings that allow people to see an early burst of energy in contemporary art. Showing the exhibition in the DRC.12 brings people back to that past, but not so distant, era and once again casts the complex’s function in a historical light.
Art has a strong stylistic tension, and Zhuang Hui uses brightly colored paper, old linoleum, and tinted acrylic covers to bring this history alive for viewers so that the archival documents do not fall into the historical trap of becoming mere nostalgia.
The project will run for three months, ending in December 16, 2023.