For the project 14 days, the artist Hu Jieming stayed, or more precisely, ‘self-quarantined’ in DRC No.12 from July 28 to August 10. Without bringing in any preconceived ideas to his 14-day creations, he deliberately isolated himself from outside influences and set to re-explore new possibilities provided by his exceptional life in this confined space, constantly adjusting his creative process through absorbing the experiences from his daily life. The project consists of 33 works, all of which are resulted from the life of the 14 days in DRC No.12. The artist utilized the facilities, materials and articles of daily needs inside the apartment as creative elements. He installed 12 cameras in the apartment to record his life and work during the 14 days. By remaining indoors throughout, the artist established an intense interaction with the space and the objects within, through which he drew inspiration and found the expression to complete all the works. The works encompass three categories: photography, installations and surveillance videos, which often form intricate relationships with the actual space. Furthermore, the real scenes and their photographic reproductions, the real-life situations and installations are juxtaposed to form a dialectical process that simultaneously incorporates and filters out realities, creating a site for the viewers to contemplate the existential condition in the present-day realities.
Exhibition plan presented in Diplomatic Apartments 呈现于外交公寓的展览方案
Exhibition name: 14 days 展览名: 14天

14 DAYS—The Diary of DRC No. 12
Hu Jieming