the Ubiquitous


Shi Yong 施勇


The Ubiquitous 2019 
In the form of apartment space,
dimensions variableTF chip, paper, Bluetooth speakers,
wireless microphone system, powered speakers 

The Ubiquitous2019  Brief description of the work plan: 

When I was a child, I once saw a North Korean film which is called " Boidchi Annun Dchonson (the Invisible Battlefront)". I was deeply impressed with the consistent atmosphere that everyone was armed and fighting against the foreign hostile forces day and night. The phrase "Ubiquitous" came out naturally from it. I decided to use it as the title of the project (also the theme) because through this term, I could feel the existence of an ideological space that is invisible but somehow filled with various sensitive boundaries. Therefore, I hope that the non-visual and non-material medium of "sound" can be used to highlight such a context of reality: A politically-coded special space that seems to have become a past (a diplomatic residence compound which used to have diplomatic immunity), however, in the reality at this moment, is reactivated with full force as an ideological metaphor! (In fact, the space discourse as an ideology has never been away, even for one minute! It was simply being concealed in another way and has been revealed again now in a direct position. ) How do we test and respond to such a recurring reality? For me, to insert two real-life events with contextual relationship randomly into this apartment space through sound segmentation (22 sound clips), cover up the 22 Bluetooth speakers placed on the wall of each space with large white paper, and bring the live synchronized sound (any sound from this space, such as the sound of the discussion of the audience about the space projects, etc.) into the space of this apartment through wireless microphone system and powered speakers to echo with the sound clips, is an effective way to re-emphasize them. Through them, the fragmentary sound can effectively show the uncertainty and uncontrollability of the ideological space boundary... 

Implementation Plan:  A. Select two real-life events that occurred in China and abroad which are related to each other, divide them into 22 sound clips (Among them, event A consists of 10 segments with Chinese voice; event B consists of 12 segments with English voice), disturb the order, and place them randomly in various positions in the spaceB. Cover up the Bluetooth speakers exposed on the wall with large white paperC. Synchronize the sound generated by the audience entering the space (walking sound and talking sound) into the space using wireless microphone system and powered speakers, and make it echo with the 22 sound clips 

Shi Yong2019-10 / 2019-11Shanghai, Beijing






The Ubiquitous



很小的时候曾经看过一部北朝鲜电影《看不见的战线》,那种无时无刻不在全民皆兵的防守出击中与外来敌对势力进行斗争的情景让人记忆深刻。 “无处不在”这个词语便是在这样的情形中自然地产生了。我决定将其作为本项目的标题(即主题),因为透过这个词语,能让我感受到一种无形的,却充满各种敏感边界的意识形态空间的存在。所以,我希望通过 “声音”这种非视觉非物质性的介质来凸显这样一种现实语境:在一个看似一个已成为过去的特殊的政治代码空间(一个曾经具有豁免权的外交公寓),却在此时此刻的现实中作为一种意识形态的隐喻被重新强有力的激活了!(其实作为意识形态的空间话语形式从未离去过,哪怕只是一分钟的离开!它们原来只是以另一种形式被掩盖起来了,直到如今又再次以一种直接的立场被显现了而已)我们如何来测试与回应这样一种重现的现实?对我来说,将具有上下文关系的两个现实事件以声音分段切割的方式随机切入本公寓空间之中(22个声音片段),再将散落于各空间墙面上的22个蓝牙音响以大尺寸的白色纸片加以遮挡,同时又将现场同步的声音(从这个空间中发出的任何声音,比如现场观众对空间项目的讨论声音等等),通过无线麦克风系统及有源音响切换于本公寓的空间之中与之呼应,是使其重新被凸显的一种有效途径。通过它们,碎片似的声音才能有效的显现出意识形态空间边界的那种不确定性与不可控性……  


A.  选择发生在国外与国内的两个相关联的现实事件,将它们分割成22个声音片段(其中A事件为10个片段,中文语音;B事件为12个片段,英文语音),打乱前后顺序,通过扬声器随机放置于空间的各个位置之中

B. 用大尺寸的白色卷筒纸将暴露于墙面的蓝牙音响遮挡

C.  将观众进入空间后产生的声音(走动声与说话声)通过无线麦克风系统及有源音响作实时同步切入,与22个声音碎片交相呼应