Shi Yong


Shi Yong (born 1963) is a representative figure of contemporary Chinese artists who first started working with installation and video media. Since 1993, his works have been widely exhibited both in China and abroad. His earliest artistic practices focused on revealing the subtlety of our reality and the inherent tension of the "system". Since the end of 1990s, Shi began focusing on the idea of Shanghai’s transformations under the Chinese economic reform, which contributed to a discussion of globalization and consumerism. Since 2006, with the work Sorry, There will be no Documenta in 2007, he turned his attention to the art world itself, pondering how to provide a more rational perspective through his creative works. Shi Yong’s 2015 solo exhibition Let All Potential Be Internally Resolved Using Beautiful Form continues his artistic practice, disclosing his intention to expand the reflection and practice of “control” under the seemingly “abstract” future.

Main exhibition include: The Fourth Today's Documents, A Stitch in Time(Group Exhibition), Today Art Museum, Beijing(2019); Society Guidance: Part II(Group Exhibition), UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (2019); A Fairy Tale in Red Times (Group Exhibition), Works from the White Rabbit Collection, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourn, Australia(2019); A ( ) Bird be Released from the Top of a Certain Tower (Solo Exhibition), Boxes Art Museum, Foshan (2018); Shi Yong: Under the Rule, ShanghART, Shanghai (2017); Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg (2015); Let All Potential be Internally Resolved using Beautiful Form (Solo Exhibition), MadeIn Gallery (2015); Off-Site Programme, Silent Film, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham (2014); Think carefully, where have you been yesterday?, (Solo Exhibition) BizART, Shanghai (2007); Second Guangzhou Triennale, Guangsong Museum of Art, Guangdong; Felicidad Indecible (Unspeakable Happiness), Arte contemporáneo de China, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico (2005); Follow Me!, Contemporary Chinese Art at the Threshold of the New Millennium, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan(2005); The Heaven The World, Solo Show by Shi Yong in 2 Parts, ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai; XXV Bienal de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2002); Money and Value, The Last Taboo, Switzerland (2002); 4th Shanghai Biennale, Urban Creation, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai (2002); Unpacking Europe, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands(2001); Living in Time, 29 Contemporary Artists from China, National galerie im Hamburger Bahnhof Museum fuer Gegenwartskunst, Berlin, Germany(2001); The Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia(1999); Art for Sale, Shanghai Plaza, Shanghai(1999); Cities on the Move, world tour exhibition(1997-1999); Two Attitudes Toward Identity 93, Qian Weikang & Shi Yong Installation Works Show, Gallery of Shanghai Huashan Art Vocational School, Shanghai(1993) etc.


主要展览有:第四届今日文献展,缝合(群展),今日美术馆,北京(2019);人间指南(下)(群展),尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京(2019);红色童话(群展),白兔美术馆收藏展,维多利亚国立美术馆(NGV),墨尔本,澳大利亚(2019);将一只( )鸟从一座塔的塔顶放掉(个展),华侨城盒子美术馆,佛山(2018);施勇: 规则之下 (个展),香格纳,上海(2017);乌拉尔双年展, 叶卡特琳堡(2015);让所有的可能都在内部以美好的形式解决,(个展) 没顶画廊(2015);不在现场项目,伯明翰IKON美术馆, (2014);仔细想想,昨天你究竟干嘛去了? (个展) 比翼艺术中心,(2007);第二届广州三年展,广东美术馆(2005);难以言喻的快乐,塔马约现代艺术博物馆, 墨西哥城 (2005);跟我来!,森美术馆,东京(2005);天上人间 (个展), 香格纳画廊 (2004);第25届圣保罗双年展,圣保罗; 金钱和价值-最后的禁忌,瑞士 (2002);第四届上海双年展, 上海美术馆, (2002);被打开的欧洲, BOIJMANS VAN BEUNINGEN美术馆, 鹿特丹;生活在此时,汉堡火车站当代美术馆,柏林(2001),第三届亚太当代艺术三年展,昆士兰美术,布利斯班;超市:当代艺术展,上海(1999);移动中的城市(1-6),全球巡回展(1997-1999);象的两次态度93,华山美术画廊,上海 (1993) 等。

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