Track II Screening Program | DRC NO. 12 & KADIST

As of December 2023, DRC No. 12, together with the Kadist Art Foundation, will launch Track II, a year-long film screening program.

Based on DRC No. 12’ s longstanding artistic practice, the program is yet another attempt at expanding artistic exchanges within the framework of the site-specificity of the Diplomatic Residence Compound. Track II will select, from Kadist’s worldwide moving-images collection, works that are capable of prompting critical reflections, utilizing their narrative power to generate new dialogues at the specific sites of the existing artist projects.

Just as the title Track II suggests, the screening program is inspired by the historical practices of Track Two Diplomacy, emphasizing the importance of unofficial channels and private citizens in resolving conflict and signifying the role artists play in shaping inter-cultural relations.  

· About Kadist

KADIST is a non-profit contemporary art organization that believes artists make an important contribution to a progressive society through their artwork, which often addresses key issues of our time. Dedicated to exhibiting the work of artists represented in its collection, KADIST encourages this engagement and affirms contemporary art’s relevance within social discourse. Its local hubs in Paris and San Francisco organize exhibitions, physical and online programs, and host residencies. KADIST stays apprised of developments in contemporary art via a global advisor network, and develops collaborations internationally, including with leading museums, facilitating new connections across cultures and vibrant conversations about contemporary art and society.

Track II 放映计划 | 外交公寓12号 & KADIST

2023年12月起,外交公寓12号空间将携手KADIST卡蒂斯特艺术基金会(以下简称KADIST)共同开启为期一年的放映合作计划Track II。

本计划基于外交公寓12号空间长期以来的艺术实践展开,是又一次以“外交公寓”在地属性为基础的交流尝试。Track II 将在KADIST覆盖全球范围的动态影像收藏中,选择适宜于进行批判性对话的作品,借由影像的替代性叙事能力,在个人项目的特殊场域中形成全新的对话。

正如计划名称“Track II”所展示的那样,本计划受到历史上这一外交政策的启发,强调非官方人物和民间形式参与解决争议时的重要作用,在此指涉艺术家在塑造文化交流格局中所扮演的角色。

· 关于卡蒂斯特

卡蒂斯特艺术基金会(Kadist Art Foundation)由文森特·沃姆斯(Vincent Worms)于2001年创办。作为非营利当代艺术机构,卡蒂斯特基金会相信艺术家通过创作为社会进步作出重要的贡献,他/她们的作品通常强调了我们时代的关键议题。机构致力于展示所收藏艺术家的作品,鼓励参与性并确认当代艺术在社会讨论中的相关性。卡蒂斯特位于巴黎和旧金山的艺术中心主要举办展览、实体和在线活动,并组织驻留项目。卡蒂斯特通过全球顾问网络保持对当代艺术发展的关注,并在国际上开展合作。包括与领先的博物馆合作,促进跨文化的新联系和关于当代艺术和社会的充满活力的对话。