

The second installment of the year-long screening collaboration between DRC No. 12 and KADIST will feature work by Zhu Changquan, Lynn Hershman Leeson, and Koki Tanaka. Together, the films feature diverse geographic and psychological landscapes, each offering a unique genre and cinematic technique, ranging from artist documentaries to live performance recordings and digital simulations utilizing three-dimensional animation.

The three video works provide a comparative reading on contemporary subjects such as activism, the intricacies of group dynamics within micro-societies and temporary communities, and expanded consciousness in relation to contemporary technological advancement. They resonate with DRC No. 12’s ongoing institutional ethos, reflecting our commitment to showcasing diverse artist practices since its establishment in 2015.

The year-long screening collaboration initiative integrates video works from the KADIST collection with the ongoing curatorial endeavors of DRC No. 12. The latter is dedicated to presenting new site-specific projects by individual artists, illuminating both their artistic contributions and their subjective positioning within the intricate tapestry of recent Chinese histories and contemporary global geopolitical contexts. Using moving images as a strategic tool to address geo-political issues through alternative narratives, Track II draws video works from the KADIST collection as a critical basis for transcultural conversations. The program title borrows its concept from Track II diplomacy, alluding to the role of artists in shaping the landscape of cultural exchange. Comprising multiple screening installments, Track II takes place from December 2023 to the end of 2024. The programs are part of KADIST’s ongoing international program Double Takes, which activates film and video works through physical and online presentations at partner institutions and on

  • Lynn Hershman Leeson, Tania Libre,
    2017, documentary, 74 min.

Tania Libre is centered around renowned artist Tania Bruguera and her experience as a political artist and activist under the repressive government of her native Cuba. The film captures a series of therapy sessions between Bruguera and Dr. Frank M. Ochberg—the founding father of trauma therapy, particularly PTSD and Stockholm syndrome—where Bruguera describes with great candor and earnestness several traumatic experiences, such as the betrayal by her father who handed her to Cuban secret service, and her imprisonment in Havana years later after advocating for freedom of expression. Their conversations expose an intimate yet profound analysis of Cuba, surveillance, and the politics of repression embedded in government and family structures.

  • Koki Tanaka, A Poem Written by 5 Poets at Once (First Attempt), 2013,
    HD video, 68min. 30 sec.

A Poem Written by 5 Poets at Once (First Attempt) documents an experimental convergence of five Japanese poets, each heralding from distinct poetic schools. This endeavor challenges the solitary nature of poetic creation, positing instead a collective model of artistic generation—a microcosm of potential communal creativity. Capturing the collaborative process over the creation's outcome, the project also features an installation of four distinct "drawing poems," each eschewing the notion of a singular, perfect product.

  • Zhu Changquan, Dark Beyond Deep,
    2020, digital simulation, 3D modeling, sound, 17 min. 40 sec.

Dark Beyond Deep navigates the transition of consciousness from tangible reality to virtual landscapes through the eyes of a raven named Cyma. In a "digital garden," Cyma juxtaposes real-world logic with digital existence, crafting a dialogue between the two realms. Through the prism of extreme rationality, this digital simulation film blurs the boundaries between the physical and virtual, inviting viewers to partake in an interpretative dialogue shaped by personal perspective.

外交公寓12号空间将携手KADIST卡蒂斯特艺术基金举行“Track II”合作计划的第二期放映。此次放映挑选了从主题、类型到拍摄手法都迥异的三部影片进行搭配放映,分别来自林恩·赫什曼·李森、田中功起、朱昶全这三位跨越不同地区与文化背景的艺术家的创作。从艺术家纪录片、现场行为记录到数字模拟三维动画,这三部影片的议题包括艺术行动主义、微观社会和临时社群中所产生的群体动力与微妙张力、虚拟现实与常规现实日益复杂的交错关系等。这些内容不仅与外交公寓12号空间近年项目所关注的重点有所交汇,也与这个机构自2015年成立以来,参与艺术家以及展览内容的丰富多元性相呼应。

此次全年合作放映项目,旨在将卡蒂斯特收藏中的影像作品与外交公寓12号长久以来的在地性展览实践进行对话。外交公寓12号空间致力于呈现艺术家的特定场域项目,深入阐释个体在错综复杂的中国近期历史和当代全球地缘政治背景中的主观定位,进而体现他/她们对本地艺术生态的贡献。“Track II”放映计划从卡蒂斯特收藏中选取影像,利用移动影像的替代性叙事能力应对地缘政治问题,为跨文化的对话提供批判性基础。项目起名“Track II”,意在指涉艺术家在塑造文化交流格局中所扮演的角色。作为卡蒂斯特正在进行的国际计划 Double Takes的一部分,“Track II”的多期放映于2023年12月开启,持续至2024年底。该国际计划通过在合作机构和KADIST.TV上进行实体和在线展示,激活卡蒂斯特的电影和影像收藏 。

  • 林恩·赫什曼·李森,《自由塔尼娅》,


  • 田中功起,《五名诗人共同写一首诗(第一次尝试)》,2013,


  • 朱昶全,《深到暗》,2019-2020,
