Track II Screening Program
Round 1
Track II放映计划


As of December 2023, DRC No. 12, together with the Kadist Art Foundation, will launch Track II, a year-long film screening program.

Based on DRC No. 12’s longstanding artistic practice, the program is yet another attempt at expanding artistic exchanges within the framework of the site-specificity of the Diplomatic Residence Compound. Track II will select, from Kadist’s worldwide moving-images collection, works that are capable of prompting critical reflections, utilizing their narrative power to generate new dialogues at the specific sites of the existing artist projects.

Just as the title Track II suggests, the screening program is inspired by the historical practices of Track Two Diplomacy, emphasizing the importance of unofficial channels and private citizens in resolving conflict and signifying the role artists play in shaping inter-cultural relations.  

The inaugural screening installment of Track II features Ahmad Fuad Osman's Recollections of Long Lost Memories (2007/2008), a compilation of 71 sepia-toned archival photographs nostalgically depicting social interactions in the Malay world. Olga Grotova's Our Grandmothers’ Gardens (2022) centers the history of Soviet allotment gardens—a response to poor food supply in a country excessively producing weapons. Both artists' research journeys address profound skepticism toward 'official' records and the omissions from established historical narratives, prevailing themes in much of the art produced across Southeast Asia and the post-Soviet region. This thematic intersects with Chinese artist Zhuang Hui’s recent solo project The Journey of an Autodidact.

The current exhibition, The Journey of an Autodidact, will be extended until January 19, 2024, allowing for mutual contextualization with the selected film works, which delve into lost memories and histories.

Track II is part of Kadist’s ongoing international screening program Double Takes. This collaboration with DRC No. 12 will continue through to the end of 2024.  

2023年12月起,外交公寓12号空间将携手KADIST卡蒂斯特艺术基金会(以下简称KADIST)共同开启为期一年的放映合作计划Track II。

本计划基于外交公寓12号空间长期以来的艺术实践展开,是又一次以“外交公寓”在地属性为基础的交流尝试。Track II 将在KADIST覆盖全球范围的动态影像收藏中,选择适宜于进行批判性对话的作品,借由影像的替代性叙事能力,在个人项目的特殊场域中形成全新的对话。


Track II 的首期放映将呈现两组影像作品:艾哈迈德·富阿德·奥斯曼(Ahmad Fuad Osman)的《长久失散的回忆》(2007/2008)是一部由71张偏褐色调的档案照片组成的作品,怀旧地描绘了马来语世界中的社交互动;奥尔加·格罗托娃(Olga Grotova)的《我们祖母的花园》(2022)聚焦于苏联分配农圃的历史,从而回应一个国家过度生产武器而导致的食品供应不足。两位艺术家的研究路径都涉及对“官方”记录的深刻怀疑以及纠察既有历史叙述中的遗漏。这一主题不仅在来自东南亚和后苏联地区的许多艺术作品得以体现,也与空间目前展出的中国艺术家庄辉的个人项目《自学之路》相呼应。

Track II 也是KADIST正在进行的国际计划Double Takes的一个部分,本次合作将持续至2024年底。