Liang Yuanwei


Liang Yuanwei was born in Xi'an in 1977 and moved to Beijing with her parents at the age of one. She graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Art, from which she received her BA and MA degrees and currently lives and works in Beijing. As a new-generation artist creating in a globalized context, she is interested in the relationship between individual language and social structure. Her practice involves continuous self-renewal by positioning herself within reflections on historical civilization and contemporary contexts. Primarily working with painting, Liang explores expression on a concrete, detailed level, probing deeply and dialectically into the organic relationship between concept and form.

Liang Yuanwei has exhibited her art in various spaces including the National Art Museum of China(Beijing), UCCA Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing), Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing), Beijing Minsheng Art Museum (Beijing), Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum (Shanghai), Berkeley Art Museum (Berkeley), and Foundation Joan Miró (Barcelona). She was also one of the participating artists in the China Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale (2011). Her solo exhibitions include “One Object”, Hunan Museum, Changsha, 2019; “Behind the Curtain”, Palazzo Pisani-Conservatorio de Musica, Venice, 2017; “Oval”, Xi’an OCAT, 2015; “The Tension between a Bow and an Elephant”, Pace London, 2014; “Pomegranate”,Beijing Commune, 2013); “Golden Notes”, Beijing Commune, 2010; “51m: 15# Liang Yuanwei”, Taikang Space, 2010; “BLDG115 RM 1904: Liang Yuanwei’s Solo Show”, Boers-Li Gallery, 2008.

梁远苇 1977年生于西安,一岁时随父母迁至北京,于中央美术学院先后获得学士和硕士学位,现工作和生活于北京。作为在全球化语境下开展创作的新一代艺术家,她关注个体语言与社会结构之间的关系。将个人放置在对文明历史和当代语境的体悟中进行不断的自我革新,是梁远苇一直以来的工作方法。她以绘画为主要工作媒介,在具体的、细节的层面展开表达,深入并辩证地探寻着观念与形式间的有机关系。

梁远苇的作品曾在中国美术馆、北京UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心、北京红砖美术馆、北京中央美术学院美术馆、北京民生美术馆、上海民生美术馆、美国坦帕艺术博物馆、美国圣彼得斯堡美术馆、美国橘郡美术馆、荷兰鹿特丹波伊曼斯·范伯宁恩美术馆、美国伯克利美术馆、西班牙米罗博物馆等美术馆展出。2011年其作品入选“威尼斯双年展”中国馆。她的个人展览包括:“梁远苇”,北京公社,2022;“一物”,湖南省博物馆,2019;“勘玉钏”,威尼斯 Palazzo Pisani-Conservatorio de Musica,2017;“椭圆”,西安OCAT,2016;“弓象之间”,佩斯伦敦,2014;“石榴”,北京公社,2013;“金色笔记”,北京公社,2010;“51m:15# 梁远苇”,泰康空间,2010;“115楼1904室”,博而励,2008。

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