The project begins with collecting a large number of mainstream media news, social media news, articles from blogs, sensational stories, hearsay, rumors and refutations on the internet over a period of half-year. The collected items will then be collaged into a wallpaper with non-repetitive patterns, retaining their original graphic forms. The wallpaper covers the walls of all the rooms, aisles, every corner of the foyer in the apartment.
For those of us virtually controlled by the mobile phone and the internet, what have we experienced in the past six months? Reality is far more powerful, exciting, complex, bewitching and absurd than art. These realistic collages can serve simultaneously as a decorative wall for the interior of this specific apartment and a background wall that is worth the time of the viewers to read and discuss.
Yang Zhenzhong
21 August 2018
从网络收集半年以来海量的各种官媒主流新闻、自媒体新闻、 公众号文章、八卦传言、谣言和辟谣、小道消息和大路报道, 保留他们原有的图文并茂的形态,拼贴在一起制成不重复的墙 纸。贴满公寓里所有的房间,过道,门厅的墙面每个角落(不 包括现有的门窗,橱柜)。
我们这些被手机和网络控制的人,这半年来经历了什么?现实 远远比艺术更强大、更刺激、更复杂、更引人入胜和荒诞。这 些现实拼贴成的纹样,既可以作为这套特殊的公寓内部的装饰 背景墙,也值得观众花点时间细细阅读和讨论。
文|杨振中 2018 年 8 月 21 日
