

Xu Tan was born in 1957. He joined the "Big Tail Elephant Working Group" in 1993, was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Artists' Fund (Rockefeller Foundation) (ACC) in New York in 2002, and the Artists' Fund of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, Berlin) in 2004; he started to collaborate with Huangbian Station in 2012. Since 2005, works related to the ongoing project "Keywords" have been presented in art institutions and exhibitions around the world. The "Social Botany" project, which started in 2012, is the latest phase of "Keywords", and "Shundeology" (studies of Shunde) was launched in 2020, in which people with depressive symptoms were interviewed. The Egrets, Please Stay, Let's Have a Heart-to-Heart Talk project started in 2021 and has been gradually released since early 2024.

徐坦,出生于1957年,1993年加入“大尾象工作组”,2002年获纽约亚洲文化协会艺术家基金(洛克菲勒基金会)(ACC),2004年获德国国家学术交流中心艺术家基金(DAAD,Berlin ),2012年开始合作主持黄边站。2005年至今持续性项目“关键词”相关作品曾在世界各地的艺术机构与展览呈现。始于2012年的“社会植物学”项目为“关键词”最新阶段内容。2020年发起“顺德学”,其中抑郁症状者采访项目《白鹭、请留下,让我们谈谈心》始于2021年并于2024年年初开始陆续发布。


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