

Zhu Jia was born in 1963, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in oil painting, and now lives and works in Beijing.

Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York(2017), 3rd Bienal de Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay(2016), Mobile M+:

Moving Images, Hong Kong(2015), the seventh Shenzhen sculpture Biennale, Accidental

Message: Art is not a system, not a world, OCT contemporary Art Terminal,Shenzhen(2012), Moving Image In China :1988-2011, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai(2011). Trans Local Motion--7th Shanghai Biennale 2008, Shanghai Art Museum,Shanghai(2008), 10th International Istanbul Biennial, Not only Possible, But also Necessary-Optimism in the Age of Global War, Istanbul, Turkey (2007), 50th Internationa Art Exhibition Venice Biennale, Dreams and Conflicts. The Dictatorship of the Viewer, Venice,Italy(2003), Tempo, the Works Show of Contemporary Art in 20th,The Museum of Modern Art(MOMA), New York, (2002), Living in Time, 29 Contemporary

Artists from China, National galerie im Hamburger Bahnhof Museum fuer

Gegenwartskunst, Berlin(2001), Quotidiana, The Continuity of the Everyday in 20th Century Art, Castell di Rivoli-Museo d'Arte contemporanea, Torino, Italy (2000)




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